Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Halfway done!

NSI is now officially half way done with! Only 31 more days until I get to see Naomi and my family again!... but it's still a long time. Our last midterm is tomorrow, and then two weeks of classes and a week of finals and then grad week, and then I can go back somewhere warm.

This weekend we get off-base liberty in civilian clothes, and my plans right now are to go to Groton, CT with some other guys in my division to try to get a tour of one of the fast-attack boats there. I'll put up some pictures if we go. The weather has been typical for New England in the winter... which is to say, rainy, cold, windy, and generally miserable. It doesn't help that Naomi keeps telling me how warm and nice it is in Waxhaw :)

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