My original plans for tonight were to finish up with my schoolwork and studying, and then head over to church. The college and career group there was having a praise and worship night, and I really wanted to go. But long story short, God changed my plans for the evening and I felt lead to help out a friend who is really struggling in school prepare for a big exam tomorrow. Since he wasn't going to be ready to study until around 6:30, I headed back to my room to do some laundry. I was pretty disappointed about not going to church, even though I felt that I was making the right decision in not going.
But God taught me something tonight. We don't need a church or a worship band or a group of fellow believers to praise God. It can be anywhere, and at any time. For me, it ended up being in my room while ironing my uniforms. It was an awesome time. Just me, God, and some good Christian music. In the past few weeks, I have found a lot of comfort, strength, and peace in listening to the music of Keith Green, Third Day, Delirious?, and Hillsongs, just to name a few. It helps me to focus on God, and to quiet my heart and listen to Him speak to me. Anywhere, any time, in any situation. Even while ironing my summer whites.
"It is good to praise the Lord
and to make music to your name, O Most High,
to proclaim your love in the morning
and your faithfulness at night,"
-(Psalm 92:1, 2)
Thank you Lord for listening to us anytime, anywhere we are. I praise you with all my heart, Lord. You are worthy of all my praise. Lord, please use me to show your hope and life to the people around me every day. Father, please let Your light shine through me. I want to be a living testimony for You. Convict me of the sin in my life, Lord. Never let me become comfortable. Change me, mold me, shape me to be more and more like You every day, Lord. I will praise You forever, for You alone are worthy of my praise. I love you, Lord.