Monday, November 07, 2005

School, school, school

An exam this morning, and one on Wednesday. And one last Thursday. Crazy, crazy stuff. I'm still enjoying it, though. This weekend is a long one though, for Veteran's Day. My plan at the moment is to grab a tent, sleeping bag, and my Bible and head off for a couple of days alone with the Lord. It's hard to focus sometimes with all the pressures of school, leadership responsibilities, and general Navy 'stuff-to-do' that always seems to crop up. I'd like to head up to Short Stay, a lake-side campground that the Navy runs about 30 miles from here. Hopefully I can fit everything on my bike.

Lord, let me be sensitive to Your voice and to Your leading. Give me Your insight when I read Your word, and speak to me through it. I praise You, Father, for the blessings in my life. You are awesome, my Lord. I love You.

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