Tuesday, April 15, 2008

School and such

So I finally registered for my summer semester. Back to school... it was a weird feeling registering for college classes. It's been a while since I've been in school. I was hoping to be able to get all my classes done in the first summer session, and have the second one more or less free (with the exception of whatever NROTC has me doing). Unfortunately, with the new, revised schedule that my academic advisor gave me (he said that the one I had written and had approved by the ROTC commander wasn't good enough), taking all my classes in one session would put me over the limit of credit hours for a summer session. So now I have two classes in the first session (Calculus and an introductory Engineering class), and three in the second session (Chemistry I plus a lab, and some macro-economics class that I have to take). So that was kind of a bummer, but it will make each of the sessions that much easier.

NSI is almost over. We graduate on Friday morning. Then it's down to NJ to spend the night with Memom, and then on Saturday back to Waxhaw. I can't wait! This week has been dragging by so slowly, pretty much like I expected the last week to be like. So close, and still four more long days to get through! It's been a difficult two months in a lot of ways, but rewarding nevertheless.

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