Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Still alive...

Well, I am still alive. The wedding went fantastically well, for those of you who weren't able to make it. God worked so many things out, and I think the wedding was very glorifying to Him. The ceremony was fairly short... less than 30 minutes. Then the reception, and then we left. It was beautiful, Naomi was happy, and the guests (I think) enjoyed it. We had two nights at the Grandover Resort in Greensboro, NC and then back up here for school which started this morning. Our 'real' honeymoon isn't until Christmas break in December, but Naomi and I both thought that it worked out really well this way anyway. The honeymoon was great, but it seemed sort of unreal in the sense that we were just hanging out in someplace new and different. Coming back to Raleigh and moving into the apartment was great. It made the marriage finally seem permanent. :)

I'll write more later, but it will probably be sporadic for a while until we get things settled around here.

Marriage is great! My wife rocks!!!!!!!!!!! Thank You, God!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations guys! Too bad you had to go back to school so soon. Married life is great! God bless.

rachel~ said...

So good to know that the marriage seems permanent! So now you can change your blog description and call Naomi your wife instead of fiance? :-)
Love you!
Aunt Rachel

Anonymous said...

Hi, Anson! I have missed your posting, but sure do understand that life has changed a bit! A wonderful change I might add!
Love you!