Friday, January 23, 2009

3AM Friday morning

It's 3AM on Friday, and instead of being snuggled up next to my wife for another two hours, I'm sitting here in the office because I can't sleep. God's been changing things in my life over the last two weeks. He's been convicting me about being too comfortable with the way my life has been going. He's shown me all the earthly things that I take joy in while I sacrifice the joy I could be sharing with Him through a deeper relationship with Christ. It's been an unsettling time.

A few weeks ago I prayed that He would keep my life from being easy, knowing that I get complacent when I feel like I 'have things under control.' Well, the last two weeks definitely haven't been easy, and another difficult one is coming up, and despite what I might be feeling now, I'm grateful for it. Thank You, God for an uncomfortable life and for Your hand at work to change me to become ever more like You.

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