Wednesday, December 14, 2005

All moved in... sort of

I finally got all my stuff moved out of the barracks. The last stuff came over with me after school today. Tomorrow at lunch I'm going to vacuum, scrub and dust, and then hopefully get my checkout inspection tomorrow afternoon, and then I will be officially moved out. As for moving in, all my stuff is here now, but it'll take some sorting and unpacking and stuff before I can really say I'm 'moved in'.

I put in 14 hours at school today. 5:00AM to 7:00PM. What a day. Tomorrow is our last subject final exam, which is three hours and a lot of points. Then we have a weekend to study, and Monday is the four hour, 400 point big, big exam. It covers the last 12 months of school, 11 different subjects, and lots and lots of material. But then I'll be done!!! I can't wait. I'll post pictures of my apartment as soon as I unpack that little doohickey that lets me get the pictures from my camera to my computer.

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