Monday, July 28, 2008

33 days to go... why is this taking so long?!?

Well, the countdown is progressing, though slowly, and things are starting to come together. Naomi has been doing a whole ton of work getting things ready for the wedding. I don't know how she does it all. I try to help when I can, but living this far away makes it seem like my involvement is somewhat limited. Even if I was living closer, I suppose there would still be things that I wouldn't be too much help at, like picking flowers and color schemes and such...

This last weekend was great. It actually was pretty busy with 'stuff', but the times we did have to just hang out and enjoy each others company was good. God gave us some good times of talking and learning and sharing, and that was great! God has been showing us both how awesome of a plan He had when He designed a man and a woman to come together and be able to support, love, cherish, teach, nurture, and understand each other. Marriage is going to be incredible, when we can express fully the love God has given us for each other.

So many times over the last nine months He has used one of us to meet the needs of the other through His grace and power. Each time it amazes me. So many things that I never even realized I was lacking have been met through Naomi's love and care for me. She encourages me, loves me, gently refuses to let me slip into the 'easy' way of living life, and shows me God's beauty and love in the things she says and does. She gives me opportunities to lead, to serve, and to see God at work in our lives. She stays with me even when I don't get things right the first time. She loves me despite everything, and that love can come only from a perfect Creator who designed us each to be exactly right for each other.

Another really neat opportunity God gave me this weekend was couched in a difficult situation for me. I have been praying for boldness in sharing my faith with others, and while I didn't have that opportunity exactly, He did give me a situation where He showed me His power and grace in speaking up and saying something even though it brought me way outside of my comfort zone. God gave me some words of encouragement for a man I know and respect very much, and it involved questioning a decision that from my perspective didn't seem quite right. I didn't know why God was leading me to say something, and I tried to resist it at first, but God made it pretty clear that I was supposed to speak to him about it. It was pretty scary. Who was I to question this Godly man in an area I felt unqualified to talk about? But I followed the Spirit's leading, and was richly blessed by Him to be able to have an honest and open discussion, and to learn from and grow closer to this man. He explained to me his reasoning and the leading that he was receiving from the Lord for the decision he had made. And God knew all that already, and whether or not anything I said made a difference is for the Lord to know. For me, it is good enough to know that for whatever reason, He wanted me to bring the subject up, and that by His grace I was able to get past my fear and say the words He had given me. It is an amazing thing to be scared silly by something, trust the Lord to provide, and then jump in headfirst. And it is truly a blessing to follow Him no matter where He leads. So maybe the next time God puts someone in my path with whom I can share His Word, I won't be so timid or reluctant to speak up.

Thank you, God, for your work in my life. Thank you for not letting me stay where I'm at, but for constantly leading and drawing me closer to You. I want to serve You with all my heart, and while that isn't always easy, and is never possible on my own strength, You give more grace, more strength, and more peace in the struggle. Thank you for being there in every season of my life, Lord. Thank you for the people you've put in my life to encourage, teach, grow, and love me. You are amazing, my Lord and my King!

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