Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Flickr & a new background pic every 15 minutes

I finally got tired of always having the same background image on my MacBook. Not that I see it all that often, as it's usually cluttered with open windows from a million different projects, but I never really make the effort to see it, either, as it's somewhat boring. Not anymore...

DeskLickr is a free little program that runs in the menu bar of OS X and pulls down a new image from Flickr every so often to use as a desktop background. You can have it scan random images from all users, or just your own photostream. I uploaded some of my favorite background-type pictures here and set everything up, which by the way, is extremely simple. You can configure it to change images anywhere from every minute to every few hours.

So why not just use the 'Change Desktop Background' option in Leopard and have it cycle through a folder of pictures? I like the fact that I can use pics that are online as I keep some of my pictures on my external hard drive to save space and can't use them when I'm not at my desk. I also like the randomness of using other people's pics, too.

If you're using Windows there's a similar program written by someone different called DeskFlickr which you can check out here. I haven't tried using that one, as I don't have access to a Windows computer right, but it should work fairly similarly.

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