Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Crazyness... only 10 days until I'm married!

Wow... that's amazing. Is it really down to 10 days now? That's amazing. This last two months have flown by quicker than I ever imagined. Quite the opposite of what I was expecting...

Today was the first day of classes. It was OK, but I was exhausted from being up too late last night writing here, and it made some little things that normally wouldn't have bothered me seem to be a big deal. It didn't help that we had a mandatory NROTC picnic with all the other kids in the program. Over the summer it was just us prior enlisted folk, and everyone was pretty cool. Now it's completely different... sigh... I suppose I should get used to it. That's what the next three years will be like.

I'm off to bed. I really want to be caught up on sleep before the weekend happens, and Tim will be here tomorrow night, so I probably won't be going to bed early then. I'll write more tomorrow.

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