Monday, August 18, 2008

A few notes...

It looks like there's lots of first-time visitors in the last few days, so welcome. I try to post at least once a day, and during the week it's usually a longer post about things God's been teaching me or laying on my heart, and on the weekends when I'm down in Waxhaw visiting Naomi and the family it's usually a lot shorter... just a status update, mostly. If you want to check out the last couple of months or years of posts, there's links on the left side partway down the page that have the archived posts. You'll notice that up until July it was kind of sporadic as far as posting goes, but it's been pretty regular since then.
If you have any questions or comments you can feel free to leave a note in the comments section of any of the posts. It's encouraging to get feedback that way, so thanks!
If you want to get regular updates without having to come back to the site every day, there's a section right under the archives section on the left that will let you subscribe to an RSS feed, or you can choose to have updates emailed right to you every day. Pick whichever one works best for you.
Thanks again for reading, and thank you all for your prayers for Naomi and I as we let God work through us to prepare us both for marriage and for a life together with each other.


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