Thursday, August 21, 2008

Sick of Facebook ads?... Me too

There's a lot of websites out there with ads on them. And usually it doesn't bother me too much. On sites that provide great content free of charge, I don't begrudge them the revenue they earn from people clicking on ads. But the ads on Facebook really started to get on my nerves. They're everywhere, half of them are filled with questionable content I don't really want to be looking at, and, well... I just plain old don't like them. So I hunted around a bit tonight trying to find out how to get rid of them, and came up with a Greasemonkey script that so far seems to be doing the trick.

Greasemonkey is an add-on for Firefox which allows users to specify scripts to be run whenever designated web pages are loaded. The scripts might add new functionality to the page, change the way the page looks, or add new content to pages. There are hundreds of scripts for lots of different web sites at

The one I found to block those annoying Facebook ads can be found here.

Happy Facebook-ing!

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